One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve, Ladybugs came to the Ladybug's Picnic...
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve, and they all played games at the Ladybug's Picnic...
The had twelve sacks so they ran sack races. They fell on their backs and they fell on their faces. The Ladybug twelve at the Ladybug Picnic...
They played jump rope but the rope it broke, so they just stood around telling knock knock jokes. The Ladybugs twelve at the Ladybug's Picnic...
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve and they chatted away at the Ladybug's Picnic...
They talked about the high price of furniture and rugs, and fire insurance for Ladybugs. The Ladybug twelve at the Ladybug Picnic! 12!
Happy 1st Birthday My Beautiful Baby Girl!